Progfun Course Notes

These are very rough personal notes from a Coursera course I took in 2014 called Functional Programming Principles in Scala.) by Martin Odersky.

The link to the version of the course that I took is

General information about the course and possible future sessions is here:

In 2015 I took a follow up course called Principles of Reactive Programming by Martin Odersky, Erik Meijer, Roland Kuhn. My notes from that course are here.


Tools Setup for Linux

See this page

  1. Download the sbt.tgz file from

(I have upgraded to version 0.13.1, which was the latest as of March 2014.)

  1. Unpack the archive to a directory of your choice.

     tar xvzf sbt.tgz
  2. Add the bin/ directory to the PATH environment variable:

     echo "export PATH=/PATH/TO/YOUR/sbt/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
     source ~/.bash_profile

in an editor (create it if it doesn’t exist) and add the following line export Verify that sbt is installed correctly: Open a new terminal (to apply the changed .bashrc) and type sbt -h, you should see a help message from sbt. If you have problems installing sbt, ask for help on the forums.

Week 1

Lecture 1.1 - Programming Paradigms

The key point of this lecture is

If we want to implement high-level concepts following their mathematical theories, there’s no place for mutation.

Avoid mutations; get new ways to abstract and compose functions.

Outside resource Cited:
YouTube: O’Reilly OSCON Java 2011: “Working Hard to Keep It Simple”

  • non-determinism results from parallel processing plus mutable state.
  • Functional programming (with immutable variables) makes concurrency much easier to deal with.

Lecture 1.2 - Elements of Programming

Main Ideas

  • Model of evaluation: the substitution model.
  • Definitions: the keyword def
  • Function parameters come with their types.
  • evaluate function arguments from left to right.
  • The substituion model: all evaluation does is reduce an expression to a value.
  • This model can express every algorithm (Church; $\lambda$-calculus)
  • This can be applied to all expressions as long as there are no side effects. e.g., you can’t represent x++ using substituion evaluation.
  • Does every expression reduce to a value in a finite number of steps? No. Example: def loop: Int = loop

Lecture 1.3 - Evaluation Strategies and Termination

  • Two forms of substitution evaluation strategies: call-by-value and call-by-name. Both strategies reduce to the same final values assuming the evaluation terminates. If a call-by-value evaltion terminates, then so does call by name, but not conversely.
  • Scala is usually call-by-value (but if the type of a function parameter starts with =>, Scala uses call-by-name). The reason Scala uses call-by-value is because it often has exponentially better performance, since you only need to evaluate a given argument once, whereas call-by-name performs a new evaluation of this same argument for each appearance of the argument inside the function. Also, it’s usually easier to know exactly when an expression will be evaluated under call-by-value.
  • You can force Scala to use call-by-name as follows:

      def constOne(x: Int, y: => Int) = 1

    Here, the line constOne(1+2, loop) would terminate because the second argument is call-by-name, whereas constOne(loop,1+2) would not terminate because the first argument is call-by-value.

Lecture 1.4 - Conditionals and Value Definitions

  • Boolean expressions
    Constants: true false
    Negation: !b
    Conunction: b && b
    Disjunction: b || b
    Comparison operations: e <= e, e >= e, e < e, e > e, e == e, e != e
  • Rewrite Rules
    Note that
    true && e evaluates to e, false && e evaluates to false,
    true || e evaluates to true, false || e evaluates to e,
    so, we could rewrite if (b) e1 else e2 as b && e1 || e2.
  • def versus val
    Definitions that use def are by-name; the right-hand-side is evaluated on each use.
    Definitions that use val are by-value; the right-hand-side is evaluated immediately and only once. For example,

      val x = 2
      val y = square(x)

    Since the right-hand side of a val is evaluated at the point of definition, y has the value 4, not the value square(x).


      def loop: Boolean = loop

    This defines loop as a function that is supposed to return a Boolean, but simply calls itself. Now, def x = loop sets x equal to the loop function, which is no problem, but val x = loop crashes because it attempts to evaluate immediately and gets caught in the infinite recursive call. In the REPL:

    scala> def loop: Boolean = loop loop: Boolean

    scala> def x = loop x: Boolean

    scala> val x = loop

  • Exercise Write and and or function without using && and ||.

    def and(x: Boolean, y: Boolean) = if(x) y else false
    def or(x: Boolean, y: Boolean) = if(x) true else y

    Now suppose the second argument of and is nonterminating, say,

    and(false, loop)

    Even though and should short circuit because of the false first argument, this doesn’t work because the second argument is call-by-value. We can fix this by modifying the argument to be call-by-name as follows:

    def and(x: Boolean, y: => Boolean) = if(x) y else false

Lecture 1.5 - Example: square roots with Newton’s method

First Scala program in Eclipse!

  • Scala needs an explicit return type for recursive functions.
  • Ctrl-Shift-f nicely formats (indents) all code in the current buffer

(easy stuff)

Lecture 1.6 - Blocks and Lexical Scope

(easy stuff)

Lecture 1.7 - Tail Recursion

  • Evaluating a function application Rewriting rule:

      def f(x1, ..., xn) = B; ... f(v1, ..., vn)

    could be written

      def f(x1, ..., xn) = B; ... [v1/x1, ..., vn/xn]B

    Here, the notation [v1/x1, ..., vn/xn]B means “v1 for x1, …, vn for xn in B”, that is, substitute the value vi for xi in the function body B.

  • Tail Recursion
    If a function simply calls itself as its last action, the function’s stack frame can be reused. This is called tail recursion.

    A tail recursive function can execute in constant stack space, so

    tail recursive functions are iterative processes.

    A tail recursive function is the functional programmer’s loop—it excutes just as efficiently as a loop in an imperative program.

    More generally, if the last action of a function consists of calling a single function (which may be the same function), one stack frame would be sufficient for both functions. Such calls are called tail-calls.

    Here is a non-example (i.e., a recursive function that is not tail recursive):

      def factorial( n: Int ): Int = 
          if (n==0) 1 else n * factorial( n-1 )

    Notice that after the recursive call to factorial, there is still work to be done.

    We will rewrite factorial in a tail-recursive way. However, we pause to ask:

    Should every recursive function be reformulated to be tail recursive?

    No. Tail recursion is used to avoid very deep recursive chains. Most JVM implementations limit the maximal depth of recursion to a couple of thousands of stack frames.

    The factorial function is not succeptible to this because the values computed by factorial grow so quickly that they exceed the range of integers before stack overflow. In such cases, use the simpler function definitions and heed Knuth:

    “Premature optimization is the root of all evil.” –Donald Knuth

    To define a tail recursive version of factorial, we use an accumulator:

      def factorial( n: Int , acc: Int ): Int = 
          if ( n == 0 ) acc else factorial( n-1, acc*n )

Week 2

Lecture 2.1 - Higher-Order Functions

We could sum the integers between a and b (inclusive) as follows:

def sumInts(a: Int, b: Int): Int =
  	    if (a > b) 0 else a + sumInts(a+1, b)

Then sum the squares of integers between a and b (inclusive):

def sumSquares(a: Int, b: Int): Int =
  	    if (a > b) 0 else a*a + sumSquares(a+1, b)

Sum the cubes or sum the factorials, etc. But this can be done more generally and elegantly if we simply pass the functions—e.g., square, cube, factorial—as arguments:

def sumFunc(f: Int => Int, a: Int, b: Int): Int =
  	    if (a > b) 0 else f(a) + sumFunc(f, a+1, b)

Then sumSquares could be implemented as

def sumSquares(a: Int, b: Int): Int = sumFunc(square, a, b)
def square(a: Int): Int = a * a

But even that’s not great because then we end up defining all these little auxiliary functions. Since functions are first class objects, we use anonymous functions as “function literals” just as we use string literals as follows:


Instead of the also correct, but more tedious,

def str = "abc"

The syntax for anonymous functions in Scala is as follows:

(x: Int) => x * x
(x: Int, y: Int) => x + y

Every anonymous function can be expressed using def instead. That is,

(x1: T1, ..., xn: Tn) => E

can be implemented as follows:

def f(x1: T1, ..., xn: Tn) => E; f

But sometimes we need brackets so the name f doesn’t get confused with another function:

{def f(x1: T1, ..., xn: Tn) => E; f}

So, returning to the example above, we could have defined sumSquares as:

def sumSquares(a: Int, b: Int): Int = sumFunc((x: Int) => x*x, a, b)

or, more simply,

def sumSquares(a: Int, b: Int): Int = sumFunc(x => x*x, a, b)

The sum function above uses linear recursion. We can write a tail recursive version. (Here the tail recursion is actually useful, unlike in the factorial case.)

def sum(f: Int => Int, a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
    def sumAux(a: Int, acc: Int): Int = {
        if (a > b) acc else sumAux(a+1, acc + f(a))
    sumAux(a, 0)

sum(x => x*x, 0,3)   //> res4: Int = 14

Lecture 2.2 - Currying

Another version of the sum function could employ Currying.
First, we could do this simply as follows:

def sum(f: Int => Int)(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
    def sumAux(a: Int, acc: Int): Int = {
        if (a > b) acc else sumAux(a+1, acc + f(a))
    sumAux(a, 0)

Then, the expression

sum(x => x*x)_

is valid. It is a “partially applied” function.

Alternatively, we could get rid of the a and b parameters:

def sum(f: Int => Int): (Int, Int) => Int = {
    def sumAux(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
        if (a > b) 0 
		else f(a) + sumAux(a+1, b)

This gives us a function that returns, not an Int, but a function of type (Int, Int) => Int. So now we could define sumSquares as follows:

def sumSquares = sum(x => x*x)
sumSquares(0, 3) //> res3: Int = 14

Or avoid the middle man and use the sum function directly, as in

sum(x=> x*x*x)(0, 3)  //> res3: Int = 36

This is the same as

(sum(x=> x*x*x))(0, 3)

So we see that function application associates to the left.

We can define a product function in a similar way. We just need to abstract out the identity and the binary operation (instead of 0 we have 1, and instead of + we have *).

def product(f:Int => Int)(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
    if (a>b) 1
    else f(a) * product(f)(a+1, b)
}                                               //> product: (f: Int => Int)(a: Int, b: Int)Int

We can define factorial in terms of this product function.

def factorial(b: Int): Int = product(a=>a)(1,b) //> factorial: (b: Int)Int
// Test it:
factorial(3)                                    //> res0: Int = 6

MapReduce We can simultaneously generalize sum and product. Since we are providing a mapping (with f), and then reducing (with the binary op), we should call the generalized version mapReduce.

def mapReduce(map: Int => Int, reduce: (Int, Int) => Int, unit: Int)(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
  	    if(a > b) unit
    else reduce(map(a), mapReduce(map, reduce, unit)(a+1, b))

// Test it:
mapReduce(x => x*x, (a, b) => a+b, 0)(0, 3)  //> res1: Int = 14

Lecture 2.3 - Example: Finding Fixed Points

Lecture 2.4 - Scala Syntax Summary

Lecture 2.5 - Functions and Data

At about 3’30” of the video lecture, the (Java) package called week3 and a new scala worksheet called are created.

Lecture 2.6 - More Fun With Rationals

Lecture 2.7 - Evaluation and Operators

Week 3: Data and Abstraction

Lecture 3.1 - Class Hierarchies

abstract class – may contain members that are not implemented. You cannot instantiate abstract classes. You must implement them with a class that extends the abstract class.

Example: IntSet (abstract), Empty extends IntSet, NonEmpty extends IntSet. The classes that extend (implement) the abstract class implement all the unimplemented members of the abstract class. They can also implement members that were already implmented in the abstract class, but then you need to use override.

superclasses, subclasses. Every class extends another class. If no explicit class is given, then the standard Java Object class is assumed.

The direct or indirect superclasses of a class are called the base classes.

Standalone applications. Hello world program. Create this in Eclipse not as a Scala worksheet, but as a Scala Object.

The implementation of the union operation for IntSet is a really nice example of functional object oriented programming. The union is implemented recursively. For the Empty object, union obviously returns the argument

def union(other: IntSet) = other

For the NonEmpty class, the union is implemented as follows:

class NonEmpty(elem: Int, left: IntSet, right: IntSet) extends IntSet {

    def union(other: IntSet): IntSet =
	    ((left union right) union other) incl elem


How cool is that?!

How is this done in an object oriented language?
Using the dynamic method dispatch model. This means that the code invoked by a method call depends on the runtime type of the object that contains the method.

Dynamic dispatch is analogous to calls to higher-order functions in a purely functional language.

Lecture 3.2 - How Classes Are Organized

Classes and objects are organized in packages. Packages are imported with the import statement. Some entities are imported automatically in every Scala program. These are

  • all members of package scala
  • all members of package java.lang
  • all memebers of singleton object scala.Predef

You can explore the standard Scala library using the scaladoc web pages at

Traits In Scala, like Java, a class can only have one super class. That is, Scala is a single inheritance language. But sometimes, we want a class to inherit properties from several super entities. To do this we use traits. For example,

trait Planar {
	def height: Int
	def width: Int
	def surface = height * width

Classes can inherit from at most one class but from arbitrarily many traits. For example,

class Square extends Shape with Planar with Movable

Thus, Square has one superclass called Shape, but it also inherits traits Planar and Movable.

Main distinction Traits do not have val members.

Special types in the hierarchy: At the top, there is the Any class and its subclasses, AnyVal and AnyRef. At the bottom, there is the Nothing class which is a subclass of Null.

Null is a subclass of all the types that are reference types. If, for example, a String is expected, then you can pass a null value.

val x = null
val y: String = x

However, val z: Int = null doesn’t work because Null is not a subclass of subclasses of AnyVal.

Consider the line

if (true) 1 else false                    //> res1: AnyVal = 1

The result is of type AnyVal, because the type checker picks a type that is the least upper bound of the types involved in the expression. In this example, we have 1 and false, which are Int and Boolean, resp. The “least” type that contains both is AnyVal.


To immediately halt execution of the program and output an error message:

def error(msg: String) = throw new Error(msg)

Lecture 3.3 - Polymorphism

Type parameterization Running example: the immutable list


Nil – the empty list
Cons – a cell containing the first element of the list and a pointer to the rest of the list

In Eclipse, create a Scala Trait called List. (at 5’55” of Lecture 3.3)


In Scala, you can put field definitions in parameter lists, instead of in the body of the class. For example, the following:

class Cons[T](val head: T, val tail: List[T]) extends List[T] {
    def isEmpty = false

is equivalent to

class Cons[T](_head: T, _tail: List[T]) extends List[T] {
    def isEmpty = false
	val head = _head
	val tail = _tail

Type Erasure Type parameters do not affect evaluation in Scala. We can assume that ll type parameters and type arguments are removed before evaluating the program. Scala shares this with Java, Haskell, ML and OCaml.

Week 4: Types and Pattern Matching

Lecture 4.1 - Functions as Objects

Lecture 4.3 - Subtyping and Generics

Two basic principles of polymorphism are subtyping and generics.

(See page 54 of Scala by Example, Odersky.)

If we have a function that takes any subtype of IntSet and returns something of that same type, the interface could be something like this:

def assertAllPos(r: IntSet): IntSet = ...

But this isn’t very precise. Instead, we could specify that the return type is the same as follows:

def assertAllPos[S <: IntSet](r: S): S = ... 

Here, “<: IntSet” is an upper bound on the type parameter S. It means S can be instantiated only to types that conform to IntSet. I believe this means that once we are passed the parameter r of a specific type S, then the return type must also be of type S. (It’s not clear whether this allows return type to be a subtype of type S. We should check this.)

Generally, the notation

S <: T // means S is a subtype of T
S >: T // means S is a supertype of T

With the >: operation we can be even more precise:

def assertAllPos[S >: NonEmpty <: IntSet](r: S): S = ...

would restrict S to be of a type between NonEmpty and IntSet.

Question: How do we specify that S must be of a specific type and not of a subtype? Perhaps as follows?

def assertAllPos[S >: IntSet <: IntSet](r: S): S = ...

Important: Arrays are not covariant in Scala, unlike in Java, because they are mutable. (Lists in Scala are immutable, so they are covariant.) For example, in Java, one would have

    NonEmpty[] <: IntSet[]

This causes problems and leads to runtime errors. (See Lecture 4.4 on variance for more details.)

Liskov Substitution Principle If A <: B, and if q(x) is a property provable for objects x:B, then q(y) should be provable for objects y:A.

Lecture 4.2 - Objects Everywhere

This is an important lecture.

After explaining how to implement Boolean as a class instead of a primitive type (see also page 37 of Scala by Example), Odersky explains how to implement the type Nat (the Peano numbers) in Scala.

Lecture 4.4 - Variance

Lecture 4.5 - Decomposition

Suppose we want to write a small interpreter for arithmetic expressions. Let’s restrict to just numbers and sums of numbers. We will have an expression class Expr with two subclasses, Number and Sum. We could have, outside our Expr class, an eval method that tests whether the input is a number or a sum and then evaluates it. First solution, use type tests and type casts. This is low level and potentailly unsafe. Here’s a better, object oriented solution:

trait Expr {
	def eval: Int
class Number(n: Int) extends Expr {
	def eval: Int = n

class Sum(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr {
	def eval: Int = e1.eval + e2.eval

But what if we decide later to have other subclasses? Then we need to implement an eval method for each. It is tedious to have to modify all the subclasses of Expr. Also, what if we now want a show method to print out the string representation of Expr subclass objects. Worse than that, what if we want to simplify expressions? A given expression might be a composition of sums and products and it’s not clear how to implement a simplify method. The solution is pattern matching, which we take up in the next lecture.

Lecture 4.6 - Pattern Matching

(See page 43 of Scala by Example.)

Pattern matching allows us to find a general and convenient way to access objects in an extensible class hierarchy.

The three solutions we have seen all have shortcomings. They were:

  • Classification and access methods: quadratic explosion.
  • Type tests and casts: unsafe, low-level.
  • Object oriented decomposition: does not always work, need to touch all classes to implement a new method. (Doesn’t work for non-local stuff.)

Case Classes the sole purpose of test and accessor functions is to reverse the construction process. This is automated by pattern matching.

trait Expr
case class Number(n: Int) extends Expr
case class Sum(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr

We get added functionality by adding case. The compiler implicitly adds companion objects:

object Number {
	def apply(n: Int) = new Number(n)

object Sum {
	def apply(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) = new Sum(e1, e2)

We saw earlier that you can manually do this. Put a def apply method in your class and then you can instantiate the class without the new keyword, as in Number(2) instead of new Number(2).

Pattern matching is a generalization of switch from C or Java. It is expressed in Scala using the keyword match. For example,

def eval(e: Expr): Int = e match {
	case Number(n) => n
	case Sum(e1, e2) => eval(e1) + eval(e2)

Patterns are constructed from:

  • constructors; e.g., Number, Sum
  • variables; e.g., n, e1, e2
  • wildcard patters _
  • constants; e.g. 1, true

Note: variables always begin with a lowercase letter; constants begin with a capital letter (except for reserved words like null, true, false).

As an alternative to the above implementation of eval, we could make eval a member method of the Expr trait:

trait Expr {
	def eval: Int = this match {
		case Number(n) => n
		case Sum(e1, e2) => e1.eval + e2.eval

Week 5: Lists

Lecture 5.1 - More Functions on Lists

Lecture 5.2 - Pairs and Tuples

Lecture 5.3 - Implicit Parameters

Lecture 5.4 - Higher-Order List Functions

Lecture 5.5 - Reduction of Lists

Fold and reduce combinators (*) stands for ((x,y) => x*y)

Lecture 5.6 - Reasoning About Concat

Lecture 5.7 - A Larger Equational Proof on Lists

Week 6: Collections

Lecture 6.1 - Other Collections


This lecture has some crucial tips on when to use List and when to use Vector. Vector has more evenly balanced access patterns than List. So, why would you ever want to use List. The List type is most useful in recursive algorithms where you are repeatedly acting on the head (a constant time access), and then passing the tail to the recursion. With Vector, accessing the leading element might require going down a few levels in the (albeit shallow) tree, and splitting off the “tail” of a vector is not as clean as with a list.

val nums = Vector(1, 2, 3, -88)
val people = Vector("Bob", "Jim")

This type supports the same operations as List except concat ::. Instead of x :: xs, there is x +: xs and ‘xs :+ x`.

A common base class of List and Vector is Seq, which (along with Set and Map types) is a subclass of Iterable. Array and String are also sequence like classes. The usual operations on sequences like map and filter and take while and fold can be applied to all of these types.

Lecture 6.2 - Combinatorial Search and For-Expressions

Lecture 6.3 - Combinatorial Search Example

Lecture 6.4 - Queries with For

Lecture 6.5 - Translation of For

Lecture 6.6 - Maps

Lecture 6.7 - Putting the Pieces Together

Week 7: Lazy Evaluation

Lecture 7.1 - Structural Induction on Trees

Lecture 7.2 - Streams

Lecture 7.3 - Lazy Evaluation

Lecture 7.4 - Computing with Infinite Sequences

Lecture 7.5 - Case Study: the Water Pouring Problem

Lecture 7.6 - Course Conclusion